The Jicarilla Oil & Gas Administration provides information and services to the Jicarilla Apache Nation and to the oil and gas industry operating on the reservation. These include but are not limited to; Strategic Energy Planning, Mineral Development Agreements (MDAs), Oil & Gas Development Planning, Surface Protection, Operating Requirements, Land Services (Assignments, Subleases, Designations of Operator, and Operating Rights), Operating Permits, Off-Site Measurement Permits, Nation Compliance & Enforcement (C&E), BLM Inspection and Enforcement (I&E), and appeals. This office is the main contact for all oil and gas matters on the Jicarilla Apache Nation.
Strategic Energy Planning
The Nation engages in Strategic Energy Planning with the JOGA serving as the process facilitator.
Mineral Development Agreements
The JOGA is the lead agency in identifying acreage available for lease and markets available acreage as appropriate.
Oil and Gas Development Planning
No IMDA Lease Holder, Lessee, and/or Designated Operator or Operator shall commence any oil and gas development activity that disturbs the surface lands within the external boundaries of the Nation until a development plan for those activities has been approved in writing by the JOGA Director.
Surface Protection
Surface protection requirements apply to all oil and gas activity on the Nation. These include due regard for land management, protection of grazing rights, roads maintenance, water protection, timber protection, fire prevention and suppression, archaeological clearances, and the location of storage yards and office sites. Applicable surface disturbance and damage fees will be paid prior to commencement of any disturbing activity.
Operating Requirements
The JOGA promulgates and enforces rules, regulations, and orders with regard to oil and gas operations on the Nation.
Land Services
The JOGA provides operating authorization for drilling and other oil and gas related operations within the external boundaries of the Nation. Operating authorization conveys no interest or right to an operator other than conditional permission to enter the Nation to drill for, produce, remove, own and dispose of oil, gas, and/or condensate that may be found on and produced from a valid lease assignment. Operating authorization is conditional upon an operator's absolute compliance with the terms of the lease assignment and adherence to the laws of the Jicarilla Apache Nation.
Operating Permits
No person shall engage in any oil and gas activity within the Nation without first obtaining and maintaining in good standing an oil and gas Operating Permit.
Off-Site Measurement Permits
Measurement of natural gas production for the purposes of calculating royalty or any applicable tax of the Nation shall take place at the wellhead unless the operator of the well first obtains an off-site measurement permit.
Nation Compliance & Enforcement
The JOGA Compliance & Enforcement Division enforces the requirements set out by JANC Title 18 - Oil & Gas. A failure to comply with any requirements set forth in this Title shall constitute an incident of noncompliance.
BLM Inspection & Enforcement
The BLM Cooperative Agreement enforces federal regulations pertaining to oil and gas activities on the Nation. These include 43 CFR, Onshore Orders, and Notice to Lessees.
JANC Title 18 provides provisions for appeals in reference to JOGA orders, citations, and decisions. Within fourteen (14) days after entry of any order, citation, or decision of the JOGA, any party adversely affected thereby may file with the Director an application for review of any matter determined by such order or decision, setting forth the reason why such order, citation, or decision is believed to be erroneous.